Biocarriers in beekeeping are intended for prophylaxis and treatment of bee families.
Their proper usage helps to eliminate all pathogenic agents in the bee family, such as ascosphaera apis - chalk brood, varroa jacobsoni (mites), nozema apis (nosematosis), paenibacillus larvae (American foulbrood) and others.
Biocarriers act on the principle of bio-resonance through saturation of the structured water with information through the help of AquaKat vitalizers or Johann Grander’s revitalizers, depending on the specificity of the particular case.
The biocarrier is immersed into the revitalized water for at least 10 minutes per liter, with no limitation as to the maximum time of immersion of the biocarrier in the water.
The informed (charged) water prepared in this way is used for preparation of sugar syrup (sugar and water ratio 1:1), which is fed to the bee family for three days, 200 ml. a day. The water used to dissolve the sugar should not be heated.
After the first feeding there is a 3-day break and then 200 ml of sugar syrup is given again, but this time the bees must be fed once in 3 days within a month.
The prophylaxis and treatment are carried out from 20th March to 20th April and from 10th August to 10th September.
Water charged with information may also be used in the available drinkers for the bees, without allowing it to be heated or frozen.

It is recommended that the bee families have such informed (charged) water in their drinkers every day.

  • Biocarriers have a core of beeswax and an aluminum foil cover. They must be kept away from heat above 40°C and direct sunlight!
  • Grander’s devices, filled with structured water, must be protected from cold below 4°C and heating up to the temperature above 90°C!